Degrees B.A. Economics, University of Sussex, 1967. Upper second.
Ph.D Economics, University of Pennsylvania, 1972
2014 Knight Bachelor, for services to social science and public service.
Other Honours and Awards
2018 Honorary Doctorate, University of Birmingham
2012 Fellow of the British Academy
2012 Eupolis Prize 2012, Eupolis Institute, Milan
2012 Wolfson prize, special mention category
2008 Institute of Healthcare Management, Companion
2007 Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
2006 Honorary Doctorate (D.Litt), University of Sussex.
1999 Founding Academician, Academy of Social Sciences
1997 Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Public Health Medicine
1967-71 Thouron Scholar, University of Pennsylvania
Present Post
1993 – present Professor of Social Policy, London School of Economics
Previous Posts
2003 – 2005 Senior Policy Adviser to the Prime Minister, No.10 Downing St (on secondment).
1987 – 93 Professor of Public Policy and (1990-93) Director, School for Advanced Urban Studies, University of Bristol.
1985 – 1987 Senior Research Fellow and Director of Welfare State Programme, Suntory-Toyota International Centre for Economics and
Related Disciplines, London School of Economics
1978 – 1985 Lecturer in Economics, London School of Economics
1977 – 1978 Visiting Professor in Economics, University of California at Santa Barbara
1971 – 1977 Lecturer in Economics, University of Sussex
Public Service
2014 Chair, Panel reviewing Birmingham Children's Services
2013 Chair, Panel reviewing Doncaster Children’s Services
2011 – 2013 Chair, Cabinet Office Mutuals Task Force
2008 – 2013 Expert Advisory Group, Social Work Practices, Department for Children, Schools and Families
2009 – 2010 Visiting Fellow, Bureau of European Policy Advisors, European Commission, Brussels
2007 – 2009 Chair, Health England: the National Reference Group for Health and Well-being, Department of Health.
2006 – 2007 Chair, Working Group on Social Care Practices, Department for Education and Skills
2004 – 2009 Member, Group of Societal Policy Analysts, European Commission, Brussels
2007 – 2008 Member, Steering Panel, Science Review, Department of Health
1999 – 2003 Commissioner, Commission for Health Improvement
1996 – 1999 Vice-Chair and Non-Executive Director, Frenchay NHS Healthcare Trust
1994 – 1999 Member, General Officer Commanding's Health Service Advisory Board, British Forces Germany Health Commission
1994 – 1995 Non-Executive Director, Avon Health Authority
1990 – 1995 Member, Avon Family Health Service Authority
1988 – 1992 Member, Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Research Grants Board
1982 – 1986 Member, ESRC Social Affairs Committee
Current Professional Activities
2016 – present Editorial Board, Journal of Behavioural Public Policy
2014 – present Trustee, Think Ahead
2007 – present Editorial Board, Political Quarterly
2005 – present International Advisory Board, Health Economics, Policy and Law
Previous Professional Activities
2007 – 2016 Trustee, Kings Fund
2013 – 2014 Member, Kings Fund Commission on Health and Socal Care
2013 – 2014 Member, Mutuals Advisory Panel
2011 – 2012 Member, OHE Commission on Competition in the NHS
2004 – 2011 Chairman, Harkness Fellowship Selection Committee, New York Commonwealth Fund
2007 – 2011 Member, Research Awards Advisory Committee, Leverhulme Trust
2007 – 2008 Member, Local Government Association Health Commission
1993 – 2007 Fellow and Senior Associate, Kings Fund
1999 – 2003 Governor and Member of Council, London School of Economics.
1999 – 2001 Member, Institute of Public Policy Research Commission on Public/Private Partnerships
1998 – 2000 Member, Fabian Commission on Taxation and Citizenship
1996 – 1997 Member of Council, Policy Studies Institute
1983 Visiting Research Fellow, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra
1984 – 1986 Editorial Board, Quarterly Journal of Social Affairs
1988 – 1992 Editorial Board, Policy and Politics
1991 – 1998 Editorial Board, Consumer Policy Review
At various times Consultant for the World Health Organisation, the World Bank, the European Commission, the OECD, the BBC, HM Treasury,
the UK National Audit Office, the UK Department of Health and le Ministere de l'Urbanisme et du Logement, Paris.
Authored Books
1976 The Economics of Social Problems (with R. Robinson) Houndmills: Macmillan.
1980 The Economics of Social Problems (with R. Robinson) US edition, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
1982 The Strategy of Equality: Redistribution and the Social Services, London: Allen and Unwin.
1984 The Economics of Social Problems (with R. Robinson) 1984, 2nd edition, Houndmills: Macmillan.
1988 Not Only the Poor: The Middle Classes and the Welfare State (with R. Goodin et al), London: Allen and Unwin.
1991 Equity and Choice: An Essay in Economics and Applied Philosophy, London: Harper Collins (now Routledge).
1992 The Economics of Social Problems 3rd edition, (with R. Robinson and C. Propper) Houndmills: Macmillan. Also Chinese translation
1996 Rationing in the NHS: Principles and Pragmatism (with B. New), London: Kings Fund.
2003 Motivation, Agency and Public Policy: Of Knights and Knaves, Pawns and Queens, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (link)
Greek translation 2007. Japanese translation 2008.
2006 Motivation, Agency and Public Policy: Of Knights and Knaves, Pawns and Queens, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Revised Paperback
2007 The Other Invisible Hand: Delivering Public Services through Choice and Competition Oxford: Princeton University Press. (link) Translated into Chinese, Russian, Japanese and Portuguese.
2008 The Economics of Social Problems 4th edition, (with C. Propper and S. Smith) Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
2015 Government Paternalism: Nanny State or Helpful Friend? (with Bill New). Princeton: Princeton University Press. (link)
Edited Books
1984 Privatisation and the Welfare State (ed with R. Robinson), London: Allen and Unwin.
1989 Market Socialism (ed with S. Estrin), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1993 Quasi-Markets and Social Policy (ed with W. Bartlett), Houndmills: Macmillan.
1994 Evaluating the NHS Reforms (ed with R. Robinson), London: Kings Fund Institute.
Quasi-Markets in the Welfare State (ed with W. Bartlett, C. Propper, and D. Wilson) SAUS Publications, Bristol.
1998 A Revolution in Social Policy: Quasi-Market Reforms in the 1990s (ed with W. Bartlett, and J. Roberts) Bristol: the Policy Press.
The State of Social Welfare, 1997 (ed with P. Flora, Jong and J-Y Kim) Aldershot: Ashgate.
Learning from the NHS Internal Market: A Review of the Evidence (ed with N. Mays and J. Mulligan) London: Kings Fund Publishing.
1999 Health Care and Cost Containment in the European Union (ed with E.Mossialos) Aldershot: Ashgate.
2002 Understanding Social Exclusion (ed with J. Hills and D. Piachaud) Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2007 Making Social Policy Work (ed with J. Hills and D. Piachaud) Bristol: Policy Press.
Government Reports
2007 Consistent Care Matters: Exploring the Potential of Social Work Practices London: Department for Education and Skills.
2009 Incentives for Prevention (with Divya Srivastava) Health England Report No 3
2013 Report to the Secretary of State for Education on Ways Forward for Children’s Services in Doncaster
2014 Report to the Secretary of State for Education and the Minister for Children and Families on Ways Forward for Children’s Services in
Other Volumes
1990 Symposium on the Welfare State (ed with B. Barry and R. Goodin) Ethics, University of Chicago Press
Social Welfare in Britain and Poland (ed with W. Okrasa), STICERD Occasional Paper No.12, LSE.
1997 Public/Private Partnerships (with D. Corry and R. Radcliffe), London: Institute of Public Policy Research
Articles In Refereed Journals
1971 'Concerning the appropriate formulae for achieving horizontal equity through revenue sharing' (with A. Reschovsky), National Tax
Journal, 24, 475-486.
1975 'Public price discrimination and aid to low income groups', Economica, 42, 32-42.
'Fiscal equity and central government grants to local authorities', Economic Journal, 85, 531-547. (Also submitted as evidence to
the Layfield Committee on local government finance).
1977 'Towards an economic model of local government behaviour' (with D. Winter), Policy and Politics, 5, 23-39.
'Fiscal equity and central government grants to local authorities: reply', Economic Journal, 87, 780-2.
1978 'The distribution of public expenditure: the case of health care', Economica, 45, 124-142.
1982 'The distribution of public expenditure on education', Economica, 49, 63-68.
1984 'Optimal taxation, the compensation principle and the measurement of changes in economic welfare', Journal of Public Economics,
24, 241-7.
'Equity as an economic objective', Journal of Applied Philosophy, 1, 39-51. Reprinted in B. Almond and D. Hill (eds) Applied
Philosophy: Morals and Metaphysics in Contemporary Debate, Routledge (1991). Also reprinted in N. Barr (ed) Economic Theory and
the Welfare State Edward Elgar 2001
'Evaluation de l'impact redistributif des despenses publiques: quelques problemes methodologiques', Consommation Review de
Socio-Economie, 3, 3-17.
1985 'Come and get it: distributional biases in social services delivery' (with D.Gibson and R.Goodin), Policy and Politics, 13, 109-125.
'The economic analysis of inequalities in health' (with J.M. Muurinen), Social Science and Medicine, 20, 1029-1035 (Invited paper,
Joint Conference of Health Economists and Medical Sociologists at the University of York, July 1983).
'Inequality and housing' (with A. O'Sullivan and R. Robinson), Urban Studies, 22, 249-256.
'Comment on "Inequality, redistribution and recession", Journal of Social Policy, 14, 309-312.
1987 'Creeping universalism in the welfare state: evidence from Australia' (with R. Goodin), Journal of Public Policy, 6, 255-274
'Equity, health and health care', Social Justice Research, 1, 257-274.
'Equity, well-being and economic choice', Journal of Human Resources, 22, 429-440.
'Inequalities in health: some international comparisons', European Economic Review, 31, 182-191. (Invited paper, First Annual
Congress of the European Economic Association, Vienna, 1986). Also reprinted in N. Barr (ed) Economic Theory and the Welfare State.
'The middle classes and the welfare state under Labour and Conservative Governments' (with D. Winter), Journal of Public Policy, 6,
399-430. Reprinted in R. Goodin and D. Mitchell (eds) Foundations of the Welfare State, Vol.III Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
1989 ‘How far is the poll tax a "community charge"? The implications of service usage evidence’ (with G. Bramley and W. Low), Policy and
Politics, 17, 187-205. Version in Italian published in Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, 47,56-87.
'Working for patients? The right approach?' (with N. Barr and H. Glennerster), Social Science and Administration, 23, 117-127.
Also published as House of Commons Paper 214-I, Social Services Committee Session 1988-1989.
'Equidade: saude e cuidados de saude' (equity, health and health care), Revista Portuguesa de Saude Publica, 7, 5-15.
1990 'Equity versus efficiency: the elusive trade-off', Ethics, 10, 554-568.
‘The Ackroyds, the Osbornes and the welfare state: the impact of the welfare state on two hypothetical families over their life-time'
(with F. Woolley), Policy and Politics, 18, 17-30
1991 'Quasi-markets and social policy,' Economic Journal, 101, 1256-1267. Reprinted in R.Goodin and D. Mitchell (eds) Foundations of
the Welfare State, Vol.I Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Version in Finnish published in TTT Kansans, 19, 52-60. Version in Hebrew
'The theory of government failure' British Journal of Political Science, 21, 423-442. Reprinted in N. Barr (ed) Economic Theory
and the Welfare State Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2001. Also reprinted in G.Boyne and R.Ashworth (eds) Organising Government
SAGE publications.
'The distribution of health care revisited' Journal of Health Economics, 10, 239-245.
1992 'Equity in health and social care' (with M. Evandrou, J. Falkingham and D. Winter), Journal of Social 32c lPolicy, 21, 489-523.
1993 Welfare Benefits in Kind and Income Distribution' (with M. Evandrou, J. Falkingham and J. Hills), Fiscal Studies, 14, 57-76.
'The evaluation of health care systems reforms' Il Politico, LVIII, 31-53. Also published in M. Ferrara (ed) The Evaluation of Social
Policies: Experiences and Perspectives, Universita di Pavia, 14, 57-76.
'Can we afford the welfare state?' British Medical Journal, 307, 1018-19.
'Regional inequalities in mortality' (with R. Illsley), Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 47, 444-449.
1994 'Internal market rules OK' British Medical Journal, 309, 1596.
1995 'The Strategy of Equality revisited: reply' Journal of Social Policy, 24, 187-189.
'The development of quasi-markets in welfare provision in the United Kingdom' (with H. Glennerster) International Journal of Health
Services, 25, 203-218
1997 'Knights, knaves or pawns? Human behaviour and social policy' Journal of Social Policy, 26, 149-169.
'Ethnicity, equity and the use of health services in the British NHS' (with C. Smaje), Social Science and Medicine, 45, 485-496.
'Perche definire un paccheto di prestazioni sanitarie di competenza del National Health Service britannico' (with B. New) L'Assistenza
Sociale 1/2, June/July, 231-238.
1998 ‘Tax relief and partnership pensions’ (with Phil Agulnik) Fiscal Studies, 19, 403-428.
‘Caballeros, picaros o subordinados? Acerca del comportamiento humano y la politica social’ Desarollo Economico, Revista de
Ciencias Sociales, 38, 723-741.
1999 ‘Competition, co-operation or control? Tales from the British National Health Service’ Health Affairs, 18, 27-39.
‘Social exclusion in Britain 1990-1995’ (with T. Burchardt and D. Piachaud) Social Policy and Administration, 33, 227-244.
‘Incentives and health policy: primary and secondary care in the British National Health Service’ (with D.Hausman) Social Science and
Medicine, 49, 1299-1307.
‘Monopoly in sports broadcasting’ (with W. New) Policy Studies, 20, 23-36.
2000 ‘Equity and the economic evaluation of health care’ (with F. Sassi and L. Archard) Health Technology Assessment. 5 (3). (link)
2001 ‘Equity versus efficiency: a dilemma for the NHS’ (with F. Sassi and L. Archard) British Medical Journal, 323, 762-3.
2002 ‘Further tales from the British National Health Service’ Health Affairs, 21 (3) (May/June), 116-128.
‘The Labour Government and the National Health Service’ Oxford Review of Economic Policy 18 (2), 137-153.
‘Addressing health inequalities’ (with A. Oliver and A. Healey) The Lancet 360, 565-567.
‘Outsider and insider expertise: the response of residents of deprived neighbourhoods to an academic definition of social exclusion’
(with Liz Richardson) Social Policy and Administration 36 (5): 496-515.
2004 ‘The motivation and behaviour of hospital trusts’ (with T.Crilly) Social Science and Medicine 58(10): 1809-1823.
2005 ‘Should citizens of a welfare state be transformed into’queens’? A response to Risse’ Economics and Philosophy 21 (2) 305-308.
2006 ‘Is greater patient choice consistent with equity? The case of the English NHS’. (with A. Dixon) Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 11 (3) 162-166.
‘Equity and choice in public services’ Social Research 73(2) 695-710.
‘Academia, policy and politics’ Health Economics, Policy and Law 1(4):319-322 .
2007 ‘Is the British National Health Service equitable? The evidence on socioeconomic differences in utilization’ (with A. Dixon. J Henderson,
R. Murray, and E. Poliakoff) Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 12 (2) 104-109.
2008 ‘The giants of excess: a challenge to the nation’s health’ Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A 171 (4) 843-856.
‘Patient choice in general practice: the implications of patient satisfaction surveys’ (with R. Robertson and A. Dixon) Journal of Health
Services Research and Policy, 13 (2) 67-72.
‘The dynamics of commissioning across organisational and clinical boundaries’ (with K. Baxter and M. Weiss) Journal of Health
Organisation and Management, 22, 111-128.
‘Motivations and commissioning: perceived and expressed motivations of care home providers’, (with T. Matosevic and M. Knapp)
Social Policy and Administration, 42, 3, 228-247.
2009 ‘A healthy choice? Direct payments and healthcare in the English NHS’ (with J. Glasby and S. Duffy) Policy and Politics 37(4), 481-497.
‘Choice and competition in publicly funded health care’ and ‘Response to Hunter, Dixon and Saltman’ Health Economics, Policy and
Law 4 (4), 479-488 and 513-514.
‘Equity, waiting times and NHS reforms: retrospective study’ (with Z. Cooper, A. McGuire and S. Jones). British Medical Journal (3
Sept) BMJ 2009;339;b3264, doi:10.1136/bmjb3264.
‘Subjective unmet need and utilization of health care services in Canada. What are the equity implications?’ (with S. Allan and M.
Grignon). Social Science and Medicine xxx, 1-8.
2010 ‘Response’ Health Economics, Policy and Law 5 , 247.
‘Knights and knaves return: public service motivation and the delivery of public services’ International Public Management Journal 13
(1) 56-71.
2011 ‘Should the U.S. National School Lunch program continue its in-kind food benefit? A school district-level analysis of funding efficiency
and equity’ (with Cora Peterson) .Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy Aug 20
'Quasi-markets vs state provision of public services: some ethical considerations’ Public Reason 3(2), 80-89.
2013 'Framing health reform' (with Z. Cooper) Health Economics, Policy and Law 8(2), 251-257.
‘Will 1 April mark the beginning of the end of England's NHS? No' BMJ 346: f1975
2017 ‘The public service mutual: theories of motivational advantage’ Public Administration Review, 78 (1).
‘Choice and public policy’ Journal of Behavioural Public Policy.
2018 ‘Future imperfect: behavioral economics and government paternalism’ Review of Behavioral Economics, 5 ( 3-4) 281-290.
2019 ‘Economics for the Common Good, Jean Tirole’. Review article. Economics and Philosophy, 35 (1) 179-186.
Book Chapters
1980 'Comment on labour supply and redistribution' in D. Collard, R. Lecomber and M. Slater (eds), Income Distribution: the Limits to
Redistribution, John Wright and Sons.
1983 'Making redistribution work: the social services' in H. Glennerster (ed) The Future of the Welfare State, Heinemann.
'Privatisation and the social services' in J. Griffiths (ed) Socialism in a Cold Climate, Allen and Unwin.
1984 'Privatisation and the welfare state: an introduction' (with R. Robinson) in J. Le Grand and R. Robinson (eds) Privatisation and the
Welfare State, Allen and Unwin.
1985 'On measuring the distributional impact of public expenditure' in A.J. Culyer and G. Terny (eds), Public and Private Health Services,
Basil Blackwell.
1986 'Inequalities in health and health care: a research agenda' in R. Wilkinson (ed), Class and Health, Tavistock.
'Trends in British health inequality, 1931-83' (with M. Rabin), in A. Culyer and B. Jonson (eds), Public and Private Health Services, Basic
1987 'The measurement of inequality in health' (with R. Illsley) in A. Willams (ed) Health and Economics, Macmillan. (Invited paper, British
Association for Advancement of Science, Bristol, 1985).
'The welfare state 1970-1985: extent and effectiveness' (with A.B. Atkinson and J. Hills) in R. Dornbusch and R. Layard (eds) The
Performance of the British Economy, Oxford University Press.
'Desigualdades em saude: uma perspectiva economica' (inequalities in health: an economic perspective) in A. Correia de Campos and
J. Pereira (eds), Sociedad, Saude e Economia, Escola Nacional de Saude e Economia, Escola Nacional de Saude Publica: Lisbon, (Invited
paper, Fifth Iberian Conference on Health Economics, Lisbon, May 1985).
'The welfare state under Mrs Thatcher' in S.B. Seward (ed) The Future of Social Welfare Systems in Canada and the United Kingdom.
(Invited paper, Dalhousie Canada/UK Colloquium, Ottawa, 1984).
1988 'The privatisation of welfare' in M. Mulreany and L. St. John Devlin, Public Expenditure and the Private Sector, Dublin: Institute of
Public Administration. Version also published in LSE Quarterly 1 (1987), 255-271.
1989 'An international comparison of distributions of ages-at-death' in J. Fox (ed) Health Inequalities in European Countries, Gower.
'Market socialism' (with S. Estrin) and 'Markets, equality and welfare' in J. Le Grand and S. Estrin (eds) Market Socialism, Oxford
University Press. Version of 'Markets, equality and welfare' in Spanish published in A. Broggi et al (eds)
Crisis Economica y Estado del Bienestar, Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
'Poverty and social welfare in the United Kingdom' in The Financing of Social Protection in the Community: the Toledo Seminar,
V/1311/88-EN, Commission of the European Communities. Also published in Spanish in Revista de Seguridad Social, No. 35,
Ano 1987, Julio-Septiembre, 157-215.
1990 'The National Health Service: safe in whose hands?' (with D. Winter and F. Woolley) and 'The state of welfare' in J. Hills (ed) The State
of Welfare: the Welfare State in Britain since 1974, Oxford University Press.
'Rethinking welfare: a case for quasi-markets' in B. Pimlott, A. Wright and T. Flower (eds) The Alternative, W.H.Allen.
1991 'Liberty, equality and vouchers' in D. Green (ed) Empowering the Parents, Institute of Economic Affairs.
1992 'La financiacion y suministro de asistencia sanitaria en Gran Bretana: el debate actual' in La Reforma del Sistema Sanitario (ed) F.
Antonanzas and J. Perez-Campanero.
'Some implications of 1992 and beyond' Ch. 6 in Income Security in Britain: A Research and Policy Agenda for the Next Ten Years, ESRC
1993 'Introduction', 'The theory of quasi-markets' and 'Quasi-markets: the way forward?' in J. Le Grand and W. Bartlett (eds) Quasi-Markets and Social Policy, Macmillan.
‘Equity in the distribution of health care: the British debate’ in E. Van Doorslaer, A.Wagstaff and F. Rutten Equity in the Finance and
Delivery of Health Care: An International Perspective, Oxford University Press.
'Paying for or providing welfare?' in R. Page and N. Deakin (eds) The Costs of Welfare, Avebury.
'Quasi-markets and community care' in N. Thomas, N. Deakin and J. Doling (eds) Learning from Innovation, Birmingham Academic
'Ein wandel in der verwendung von policy-instrumenten: quasi-markte and gesundheitspolitik' in A. Heritier (ed) Policy-Analyse: Kritik
und Neuorientierung, Westdeutscher Verlay.
1994 'The performance of trusts' (with Will Bartlett) and 'Evaluating the NHS reforms' in R. Robinson and J. Le Grand (eds) Evaluating the
NHS Reforms, King's Fund Institute.
'Models of Swedish health care reforms: a preliminary assessment' in HSU 2000 International Perspectives on Healthcare Reform in
Sweden, Stockholm, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs.
'Where next?' (with W. Bartlett and C. Propper) in W. Bartlett, C. Propper, D. Wilson and J. Le Grand (eds) Quasi-Markets in the Welfare
State, SAUS Publications, Bristol.
'Markets and the future of the welfare state' in G. Chaloupek and B. Robmann (eds) Die Zukunft des Wohlfahrtsstaates, Vienna: Orac.
1995 'The market, the state and the distribution of lifetime income' in J. Falkingham and J. Hills (eds) The Dynamic of Welfare, Hemel
Hempstead: Prentice Hall/Harvester Wheatsheaf.
'The development of quasi-markets in welfare provision in the United Kingdom' (with H. Glennerster) International Journal of Health
Services, 25, 203-218. Also published in French in Revue Francaise d'Economie, 10, 111-135. Also reprinted in N. Barr (ed) Economic
Theory and the Welfare State Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
1996 'Contracting and the purchaser-provider split' (with R. Robinson) in R. Saltman and C. Von Otter (eds) Implementing Planned Markets
in Health Care Buckingham: Open University Press.
‘Financing health care’ in Z. Feacham, M. Henshe and L. Rose (eds) Implementing Health Sector reform in Central Asia. Washington:
World Bank
'Quasi-markets: the answer to market failure in health care?' in P. Day et al (eds) The State, Politics and Health: Essays for Rudolf
Klein, Oxford: Blackwell.
'Equity, efficiency and the rationing of health care' in A. Culyer and A. Wagstaff (eds) Reforming Health Care Systems: Experiments
with the NHS, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Reprinted in N. Barr (ed) Economic Theory and the Welfare State Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
'New visions of welfare' in H. Sasson and D. Diamond (eds) LSE on Social Science, London: LSE Books.
1997 'La reforma de la sanidad orientada al mercado: la experiencia britannica' in La Modernizacion de la Sanidad Publica en el Mundo. Madrid: Arthur Andersen.
'Afterword' Ch.19 in A. Oakley and J. Ashton (eds) The Gift Relationship by Richard Titmuss Original edition with new chapters.
London: LSE Books. Also reprinted in N. Barr (ed) Economic Theory and the Welfare State Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
'La nueva economia del bienestar' in L. Moreno (ed) Union Europea y Estado del Bienestar Madrid: Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Cientificas.
1998 ‘The National Health Service: crisis, change or continuity? (with Vizard, P.) in H. Glennerster and J. Hills (eds) The State of Welfare 2nd
edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
‘Broadcasting and public purposes in the new millenium’ (with New, B.) in A. Graham et al Public Purposes in Broadcasting. Luton:
University of Luton Press.
1999 ‘Financing health care’ in Z. Feacham, M. Hensher, and L. Rose (eds) Implementing Health Sector Reform in Central Asia. Washington
D.C.: Economic Development Institute of the World Bank. (link)
‘Los nuevos desalios de la politica social: estado, mercado y equidad. La experienca del Reino Unido’ in J. Carpio and I. Novacovsky
(eds) De Igual a Igual Buenos Aires: Sistema de Informacion, Monitore y Evaluacion de Programas Sociales.
‘New approaches to the welfare state’ in A. Gamble and T.Wright (eds) The New Social Democracy. Oxford: Blackwells. (link)
‘Conceptions of social justice’ in R.Walker (ed) Ending Child Poverty Bristol: the Policy Press.
2000 ‘La competencia y les fuerzas del mercado en el Estado de Bienestar’ in S. Machado, J. Delagado, L. Seara (eds) Las Estructuras del
Bienestar en Europa Madrid: Civitas Ediciones, Fundacion ONCE.
‘From knight to knave? Public policy and market incentives’ in P.Taylor-Gooby (ed) Risk, Trust and Welfare Houndmills: Macmillan.
Also published in Spanish as: ‘De caballeros a picaros? Politicas publicas e incentivos de mercado?’ in Presente y Futuro del Estado
de Bienestar Buenos Aires: Sistema de Informacion, Monitore y Evaluacion de Programas Sociales.
‘Health and the City’ in M. Marinker (ed) Medicine and Humanity London: Kings Fund.
‘What kind of health inequality?’ in A. Oliver, R. Cookson and D. McDaid The Issues Panel for Equity in Health: the Discussion Papers.
London: the Nuffield Trust.
‘The provision of health care: is the public sector ethically superior to the private sector?’ in B. New and J. Neuberger (eds) Hidden
Assets: Values and Decision-making in the NHS London: Kings Fund. Also published in Russian in Health Management, 3: 18-28.
‘Degrees of exclusion: developing a dynamic, multi-dimensional measure’ (with T. Burchardt and D. Piachaud). Ch. 3 in J. Hills, J. Le
Grand and D. Piachaud (eds) Understanding Social Exclusion. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
‘What should the government do next?’ in J. Wilson (ed) Equality in Action London: the Smith Institute.
2003 ‘Primary care organisations and the ‘modernisation’ of the NHS (with Matthew Bond) in B. Dowling and C. Glendinning (eds). The New Primary Care Maidenhead: Open University Press.
‘Models of public service provision: command and control, networks or quasi-markets?’ in HM Treasury Public Services Productivity London: HM Treasury.
‘The case for the internal market’ in J. Dixon (ed) Can Market Forces be Used for Good? London: Kings Fund
2004 ‘Individual choice and social exclusion’ in K Dowding, R Goodin and C Pateman (eds) Justice and Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
2005 ‘Inequality, choice and public services’ in A Giddens and P Diamond (eds) The New Egalitarianism Cambridge: Polity.
2006 ‘Implementing stakeholder grants: the British case’ in E. Olin Wright (ed) Redesigning Redistribution New York: Verso.
2007 ‘The United Kingdom: more of an economic than a social European’ (with E Mossialos and M Long) in J Kvist and J Saari (eds) The
Europeanisation of Social Protection Bristol: Policy Press.
‘Quasi-markets in health care’. Ch 7 in J. Hills, J. Le Grand and D. Piachaud (eds) Making Social Policy Work Bristol: the Policy Press.
2008 ‘Choice and competition in health care’ in B. Rosen, R. Saltman and M. Shari (ed) Health Systems; Are we in a Post-Reform Era? The
Israel National Institute for Health Policy and Health Service Research.
2009 ‘Choice and competition in school education’ The Japan-UK Educational Forum 13 Education Department: Tokyo Metropolitan
2010 ‘La question du choix dans les systèmes de santé: illusion ou solution?’ in P. Geoffard, R. Guesnerie, J. Le Grand La Santé par Quels
Moyens et à Quels Prix? Base Recherche Action Innovation Santé (BRAINS): Presse Universitaires de France.
2011 ‘Motivation and the delivery of social services’ in S. Brown, R.M. Brown and L. Penner (eds) Moving Beyond Self-Interest Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
2012 ‘Continuity and change: public service reform from Thatcher to the Coalition’ in N. Seddon (ed) The Next Ten Years London: Reform
Research Trust
‘Possibili Curi’ in Centro Nazionale di Prevenzione e Difesa Sociale Disparita Economiche e Sociali: Cause, Conseguenze e Rimedi
Milan: Giuffe Editore
‘Subsidiarity and individual responsibility: quasi-markets and asset-based welfare’ in A. Brugnoli and A. Colombo (eds) Goverment,
Goverance and Welfare Reform Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
2013 ‘Individual responsibility, health and health care’ in N. Eyal, S. Hurst, O. Norheim, and D. Wikler (eds) Inequalities in Health. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Articles in Other Journals
1987 'The survival of the welfare state' The Economic Review 5, 34-38.
1988 'Welfare and the market' Social Justice in Australia, Supplement to Australian Society. December 1988/January 1989.
1991 ‘Spreading it around’ Fabian Review, 103:3, August.
1992 'Regulation and freedom in a public market' in Managers, Citizens and Consumer, Office of Pulic Management.
1997 'Can the poor have stakes?' Business Strategy Review, 8, 56-57.
1998 ‘Partnership versus compulsion’(with P.Agulnik) New Economy, 5, 147-152.
1999 ‘Ownership and social policy’ Political Quarterly, 69, 415-421.
2002 ‘Ready, steady, stop’ (with K. Baxter, J. Shephard and M. Weiss) Health Service Journal, 112, no.5796, 14 March.
‘Fee for service system is key’ Hospital Doctor 12 September.
2003 ‘Schooled in success’ Health Service Journal, 16 January
‘The least worst way to provide public services: the case for competition’ Renewal,11 (2) 29-33.
‘Doctrines and nurses’ Progress, June/July, 42-43.
2006 ‘Sixty years on, how Bevan’s vision is bearing up’ Health Service Journal 27 April
‘Choice and competition in Britain’s National Health Service’ Eurohealth 12 (1)
‘Choice and competition in public services’ Research in Public Policy: Bulletin of the Centre for Market and Public Organisation Issue2,
'A better class of choice’ Public Finance 31st March.
2007 ‘The politics of choice and competition in public services’ Political Quarterly 78(2) 207-213.
2008 ‘Investing in youth: Bambini Bonds’ European Commission Bureau of Economic Advisers Monthly Brief: Special Issues Social Agenda
Issue 16, June 16, 18-22.
‘Health England’ ( with R Sherriff) the newsletter of the Faculty of Public Health
‘Can government trust the public services?’ Political Quarterly, 79, 314-15.
2010 ‘The Child Trust Fund: a national treasure’ Fabian Review, 121, No.4, Jan 4th.
‘Bonding with baby’ LSE Connect, 22 (2) Winter, p.13.
2012 'Delivering Britain's public services through quasi-markets: what we have achieved so far' Research in Public Policy: Bulletin of the
Centre for Markets and Public Organisation, University of Bristol Issue 13, 3-4.
2014 ‘The idea of charging for health care may have been killed for good’ Health Service Journal 4 Sept.
Other Publications
1972 An Investigation of the Utility Function Implicit in Government Taxation and Expenditure Decisions, PhD thesis, University of
1979 Economics and Social Problems (with R. Robinson), Audio-Learning Tape.
1981 'Inequalities in health', Letter to British Medical Journal, 11 July, 283, 147.
1982 Fiscal Inequalities in the United Kingdom, Report for Le Ministere d'Urbanisme et du Logement, Paris.
1983 Costs and Expenditure in Education: A Case Study of the United Kingdom, SME/ET/83.11, OECD, Paris.
1984 Inequalities in Health and Health Care, Nuffield/York Portfolio No.5.
1985 Redistribution and the Fiscal System, Open University, Milton Keynes.
1988 Obligatory Levies and Social Expenditures: the British Perspective. Report to the Commission of the European Communities.
Published in Commission of the European Communities Obligatory Levies and Social Protection, V/184/88-EN Brussels.
'Reform and the National Health Service' (with N. Barr and H. Glennerster). House of Commons Paper 264-IV, Social Services
Committee, Session 1987-1988.
1990 'Bureaucracies and distribution' (with D. Winter) in F. Millard (ed) Social Welfare and the Market, STICERD Occasional Paper 15, LSE.
1991 'Convergence in health and health care post 1992' (in Greek) in Proceedings of Symposium on Health Care Systems and the Challenge
of Europe after 1992. Athens, Ta Nea.
'Markets in Social Care Services: A Resource Pack' (with L. Hoyes), SAUS.
1992 'Made to Measure? Performance Indicators, Performance Review and the Reform of Community Care' (with L. Hoyes and R. Means),
SAUS Occasional Paper No. 39.
'Who Uses Local Services? Striving for Equity' (with G. Bramley) The Belgrave Papers No. 4. London: Local Government Management
1994 'Action on social inequalities in health: an overview' in BMJ Publishing Group Action on Social Inequalities in Health London: BMJ
1996 'Quasi-markets in welfare' in S. Trevillon and P. Beresford (eds) Meeting the Challenge: Social Work Education and the Community
Care Revolution, National Institute for Social Work.
'The new economy of welfare: a research strategy' in J. Millar and J. Bradshaw (eds) Social Welfare Systems: A Research Strategy Bath
Social Policy Papers No.24. Bath: University of Bath.
1998 'Fair Game? Tackling Monopoly in Sports Broadcasting' (with B. New). London: Demos.
2000 'A Capital Idea: Start-up Grants for Young People' (with D. Nissan). London: Fabian Society.
2003 ‘The state, the market and welfare’ in A.Gunji (ed) The Role and Limitations of the Market in Health and Welfare Systems. Tokyo:
Seigakuin University
'Choice: What role can it play in helping local public services evolve?' E-pamphlet: New Local Government Network.
'Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the UK and Germany - Research and Evidence on Supply and Demand ' (with A. Dixon,
A.Reisburg, S.Weinbrenner, O. Saka, and R. Busse) Lonodn; Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society. (link)
2006 Looked After or Overlooked? Good Parenting and School Choice for Looked After Children (with David Chater) London: Social Market
2008 ‘Outside Views: Julian Le Grand’ in N. Timmins (ed) Rejuvenate or Retire? Views of the NHS at 60 London: Nuffield Trust.
2010 ‘Moderniser le welfare state britannique’ La Vie des Idées' In English: ‘How to Modernize the British Welfare State’
2013 ‘If anything the NHS should be carpeted with more competition’ The Conversation.
Julian Le Grand in N.Timmins (ed) The Wisdom of the Crowd: 65 views of the NHS at 65. London: Nuffield Trust.
Book reviews in the Economic Journal, Economica, Government and Opposition, Times Higher Education Supplement, Journal of Social Policy, etc.
Print Journalism
1978 'Who benefits from public expenditure?', New Society, 21 September, 45, No.883, 614-616.
1984 'The future of the welfare state', New Society, 7 June 68, 385-6.
'Through a door marked private' (with R. Robinson), The Guardian, 31 October.
'Financing students' (with H. Glennerster), New Society, 13 December, No.1147, 421-2.
1985 'Taxation and inequality', New Society, 14 March, No.1159, 401-2.
1987 'Health and wealth' New Society, 16 January, 79, No.1255, 9-11.
'The market: workers, capital and consumers', New Statesman, 6 March, 113, No.2919, 16-18.
'Wealth tax reform overdue', The Independent, 10 June.
1988 'Defending the NHS', New Statesman, 29 January, 115, No.2966, 12.20.
1989 'Equality goes to market', New Statesman and Society, May.
'Managing the Economy', New Socialist, June/July, No.61, 12-13.
'Choice in education', Samizdat, No.5.
'Vouchers reclaimed', Samizdat, November/December, No.7, 17.
1990 'The answer to the poll tax', Samizdat, February/March, 40-42.
'Party lines', New Statesman and Society, 6 December, Vol. 4, No.180, 22.
'Power struggle', New Statesman and Society, 6 December, Vol. 4, No.180,22.
1992 'A dose of market reform' Financial Times, 13 May.
1993 'Markets and health' New Statesman and Society,
1994 'Quasi-markets and welfare' Community Care, 27 January.
1995 'Muddle in the middle' Financial Times, 4 April.
'Nursery vouchers' (with H. Glennerster) The Guardian, 4 April.
'A system for knights as well as knaves' Parliamentary Brief December.
1996 'Thinking the unthinkable' Prospect, July.
'Health rationing', The Guardian, 24 July.
1997 'New ways in welfare' New Statesman, 126, No.4332.'A means to an end' The Guardian, 26 Jan.
‘The Third Way begins with CORA’ New Statesman, 6 March.
‘The market that never was’ The Guardian, 16 September
1999 ‘Redistribution of sorts; a budget commentary’ Financial Times, 10 March
‘How to cage the fat cats’ New Statesman, July 26
‘Dons delight’ The Guardian, 20 July
‘Treating poverty’ The Guardian, 21 Sept
‘A birthday gift for every teenager’ (with D. Nissan) New Statesman, 4 August
2000 ‘Should Labour go private?’ (with G. Kelly) New Statesman, 14 August.
‘Plus ca change’ Letter to The Guardian, 9 June
2002 ‘New contracts for NHS consultants’ Letter to The Times, 17 June
‘Public service, private rewards’ Financial Times, 4 June
‘Knight or Knave’. The Guardian, 17 Sept
‘Payment by results will save our health service’ The Guardian, 12 October
2005 ‘Commissioning in the NHS’ (with others) New Statesman Special Supplement, 14 November
2006 ‘Too little choice’ Prospect January
‘Raise the stakes for looked after-children’ (with David Chater) Times Educational Supplement, 29 September
2007 ‘Blair’s Golden Age’ Prospect July
2009 ‘Is inequality to blame for all social ills?’ Prospect May, 79-80.
‘No turning back’ (with Z.Cooper) BMA News 23rd May, 14-15
‘The NHS can cost less and still care’ (with Z. Cooper) The Guardian 4 Sep
2010 ‘We must not sacrifice the child trust fund’ The Guardian 27 April
‘Cut child benefit, not tax credits’ The Guardian 15 May
‘You don’t have to be rich: Philanthropy and voluntary taxation’ The Guardian 2 September
2011 ‘Quit euro – then instantly rejoin at weaker rate’ Financial Times 17 Nov
‘Quitting, rejoining and interpreting the treaties’Financial Times 30 Nov
2012 ‘The geeks must quash the believers in gut instinct’ Financial Times 21 Feb
‘Why employee ownership will lead to better public services’ (with S. Kelly)
The Guardian 8 May
‘Making mutuals sustainable is no easy task’ The Guardian 8 November
Blog Entries
2010 ‘This spending review may yet be helpful for social indicators: only time will tell’ British Politics and Policy at LSE 3 Feb
2010 ‘Greater choice and competition in the NHS now provides a mature set of solutions whose time has come’ British Politics and Policy at
LSE 15 July
2011 ‘A small change for a big result: the case of M & S shows that choice can
encourage positive environmental behaviour’ British Politics and Policy at
LSE 3 Feb
2011 ‘A much maligned reform of hospitals is working’ behaviour’ British Politics
and Policy at LSE 26 May
2011 ‘To ease the pain of devaluation countries should quit the euro – then instantly
re-join at a weaker rate’ behaviour’British Politics and Policy at LSE 17 No
2012 ‘Both economic theory and evidence from the UK shows that state-funded
healthcare which incorporates market-type incentives will save more lives and
reduce more suffering’ British Politics and Policy at LSE 9 March
2012 ‘Both Greece and Germany would benefit from quitting and then instantly re-
joining the European Economic and Monetary Union’ European Politics and
Policy at LSE 16 May
2018 ‘How to have a serious referendum on Brexit and avoid a rerun of the original’
British Politics and Policy at LSE 31 May
1989 Advisor and Co-presenter ‘Spongers’ World in Action, ITV, May 15
1996 Series Consultant The New Jerusalem, BBC2
1998 Presenter, ‘An Unhealthy Obsession’ Analysis, BBC Radio 4, January 8th
Presenter, ‘The Profit Motive’ Analysis, BBC Radio 4, December
1999 Presenter, ‘Beyond the Pale’ Analysis, BBC Radio 4, April 5th and 11th
Co-presenter ‘Winner-take-all?’ Big Ideas, BBC2, July 25th
Guest, A Good Read, Radio 4, September 7 and 12
2003 Presenter, ‘Great Expectations’ Analysis, BBC Radio 4, April 17 and 24
Authored Film The Politics Show Sept 15th
2006 Authored Piece on NHS World Tonight
Regular Panel Member of Any Questions, BBC Radio 4.
Many appearances on Newsnight, Today Programme, World at One, The World Tonight, On the Record, Ten O’Clock News, BBC World Service, CNN etc
Recent Invited Lectures
The Keynes Lecture, University of Kent, 11 March 1999
The Friedlander Lecture, University of California at Berkeley, 12 April, 1999.
The Marshall Lecture, University of Southampton, 9 May 2000
The Social Science Lecture, University of Brighton, 17 May 2000
The John Stuart Mill Lecture, John Stuart Mill Institute, 5 November 2000
Millennial Lecture, Kings College Medical School, 7 November 2000
The Marsden Lecture, Royal Free Hospital, 18 November 2005
The Esmee Fairbairn Lecture, University of Lancaster, 1st December 2005
The Beveridge Lecture, Royal Statistical Society, 22nd October 2007
The Benjamin E. Youngdahl Lecture in Social Policy, Washington University, Saint Louis, USA, 31st March 2008
Keynote Address, Spanish Health Economics Association, Salamanca, Spain 30 May 2008
Keynote Address, Seventh European Conference of Health Economists, Rome, 24th July 2008
The Wolfson Lecture, Barts and The London, 13th October 2008
Keynote Address, TISS Annual Conference, Delhi, 19th December 2009
Keynote Address, Bioethics Sympsium, University of Wisconsin, April 8th , 2010
Invited Lecture, Faculty of Social Studies and Humanities, University of Mauritius, April 2011
Plenary Lecture. Politics and Policy 2012 Conference, 18th September 2012
Behavioural Public Policy Lecture, LSE, 2019